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Identifying Your Comfort Saddle | Comfort Equine

Identifying Your Comfort Saddle

Your Comfort Saddle Should have a Red Nailhead, either with a horses head or the Comfort Elite Logo

Your Comfort Saddle Should have a Red Nailhead, either with a horses head or the Comfort Elite Logo

Like all our saddle Brands Comfort have also been made by all of our saddle making teams, each putting their individual personalities into the saddles, they have also evolved over the years as we refined our designs so here we go. itunes update herunterladen. Identifying Your Comfort Saddle!

seeker 4 starThe First Comfort saddles were made in 2003 and were made by our original maker who also made the original Native Pony Saddle Company saddles, first known as the S E Comfort Range they looked and felt different than what they are now black ops 3 pc kostenlos downloaden. Like the Native Ponies made at the same time the identification number printed into the leather, vertically down the rear of the sweat flap on the left hand side issuu bestanden. This number is made up of numbers and usually one letter. At this time they also had a brass Belly Nail instead of a stitch to hold down the skirts.

seeker 4 star 2011Around 2006 production of S.E downloaden van soundcloud. Comfort Saddles was moved to our other teams as they came on board now known just as Comfort Saddles.

Again the new makers stamped the identification number either in the middle of the sweat flap or usually on the left hand side high up in the back corner of the sweat flap, depending on which person made them filme aus swr mediatheken. The numbers have no letters and 4 digits. There was now a stitch in the panel instead of the head nail my cloud home ordner herunterladen.

Signature Badge  on a genuine Mathew Lawrence Showing Saddle

Signature Badge on a genuine Mathew Lawrence Showing Saddle

In 2007 the first of the Comfort Elite saddles was designed for Mathew Lawrence who then went and won Olympia on it 3 weeks after it was delivered, This was the first of the Comfort Elite Signature saddles and all genuine Mathew Lawrence saddles carry a button with his signature on the saddle flap programme zum downloaden.

These teams continued to make the saddles until the new Comfort Elite branding and logo was launched 2011, at this time the original maker again started making the Comfort Elite Mono-Flap Range that has been so popular and are used by Yasmin Ingham, British and European Pony Eventing Champion 2013 and Denise Kersley’s Tiger Tim, British Restricted Novice Dressage Champion and British Riding Club Dressage to Music Champion2013 foxit phantom pdf download kostenlos. All in all Comfort Elite Mono-Flaps had a good year.

monoflaps comfort pageAll saddles sold either by Saddle Exchange Ltd or Saddle Exchange Saddling Solutions were registered on our database when originally sold so feel free to contact us if you would like specific information on your saddle, please note we will need the identification number or the name and address of the person who originally purchased it from us in order to look it up seiteen chrome.

4 comments on “Identifying Your Comfort Saddle
  1. Jacquie Slade says:

    Hi, Im interested in one of your Comfort Saddles to buy! Could you tell me any info and if its suitable for a Welsh Cob D?! The numbers under the flap is; 7D12578
    Then on the right it has 16 5 and 2 underneath?
    I need a vsd/gp in a wide fitting suitable for a native/cob.
    What are your trees made of…plastic or wood? Hope to hear from you soon with more info! Many thanks Jacquie

    • Gini Woodward says:

      Hi Jacquie, I don’t have anything on the database with regards to this saddle since it was sold in 2008 so the information I have is regards to it’s initial specifications and the tree and flock could have been changed in the meantime but as far as I can see it was provided as a 5 fit ( nearest translation is x wide), the tree is a British standard wooden tree as all ours are and is adjustable for up to 2 fits each way. Therefore I would say it would be very suitable for a welsh cob, also the Comfort Intrepid is a gp/vsd saddle often bought by endurance riders, you would be very welcome to email or call us for more advice or fitting should you buy it. (:

  2. Laura Jungkind says:

    Do you sell your saddles in the US ?
    Can I order and have one shipped?

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